
Challenge your brain with Anigrams, a game that draws inspiration from Wordle but has a unique twist. How many words can you arrange? The objective of the player in this game is to unscramble a word and use all available letters to create five different words. Every word must utilize each letter in the given set just once. After creating a valid word, the player will move on to the next round of the puzzle. There may be several valid words in each level; you only need to find one word to complete the level. Don't worry if you're stuck, because the game will give you a "Show next letter" button. By utilizing this clue, the game will reveal to you the next letter you need and provide you with suitable instructions. Nevertheless, it is important to use the hints wisely, as you only have six hints available for the entire game.

How To Play

  • To play the game, players must move their mouse and follow the instructions.